As I sit here in the frigid state of Minnesota on this January 19, where today the temperature outside is much colder than the temperature I keep my deep freezer in my basement, I debate on turning the thermostat in my house up and wish I was sitting on a beach enjoying tropical weather...say for the Yucatan Peninsula.
The Maya were smart in the fact that they migrated to Guatemala, Peru, and the Yucatan Peninsula when Alaska and Siberia were still connected via land bridge. They were smart not to stay in the cold and go where the sun shines hot and fresh fruit is always in abundance. Try finding good fruit in the grocery store in Minnesota this time of year. It's slim pickings! It is amazing the Maya migrated all that distance when you stop and really think about it. It is approximately 5,911.9 miles from Anchorage, Alaska to Tulum, Mexico. Which according to Google would take 4 days and 15 hours to drive non-stop, that's not taking into consideration any potty or food breaks. Or even going through customs to get through Canada and Mexico. Imagine driving all that way cooped up in a car with your family. Yikes!..(and I thought the family driving trip from Minnesota to Wyoming was a long one!) According to Wikopedia, the average person walks 3.1 miles per hour. So when we do our math.... 5,911.9 miles divided by 3.1 miles per hour....It would have taken 1,907.0645 hours to walk from Anchorage, Alaska to Tulum, Mexico. That's 79 1/2 days.!! .non-stop. No one can walk non-stop. Thank goodness the Wright Brothers came along and invented flying!!
AuthorBonnie Bley is an Award Winning Author. She is a native of Wyoming, spent her formative years in the border reservation town of Hardin, MT, situated in the southeastern corner of Montana. Her educational journey took her to Aberdeen, SD, and Bloomington, MN, where she honed her skills and knowledge. In the late Archives
February 2025